4th Question: Who or What is God

Continuing on my 2nd and 3rd question and my article on From Guestwriters and on "Looking for answers on the question Is there a God" in case we do have to assume there is a god or gods we should wonder what or whom that god or gods may be.

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #3 Transcendence or Surpassing other gods and man

Are we willing to see a Omnipotent God Who is above all other god in case He exists? Is mankind willing to face a more intelligent Being than themselves? Most difficult thing to accept for human beings is that this Supreme Being would encompass everything while He is the Most High above everything, being able to be everywhere, to know everything and able to do everything. Most people want to have everything themselves under control and want to command others, not being commanded themselves. Come to know more about modern philosophers like Immanuel Kant their theories and transcendent beings in contrast to immanent beings, by clicking on the title of this article.

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods

Billions of people throughout ancient times have looked for and created gods and spirits of al kinds. We can find Sumerian, Canaanite, Aztec, Egyptian, Indian, Greek, Roman, German, Celt and African gods which we can often find back in a counterpart under an other name in an other culture. ... In this article you may find a glimpse of some relationships of those gods and certain religious groups. ... Find out more by reading this article. ...

Op zoek naar antwoorden op de vraag Is er een God # 1 Veel goden

Miljarden mensen hebben doorgaans in het verleden duizenden goden gevonden, waarvan er ons nog Sumerische, Canaïtische, Egyptische, Azteekse, Griekse, Romeins, Germaanse, Keltische Afrikaanse maar ook hedendaagse nog in ons geheugen geprent zijn. In onze streken kent men de Dagda of de figuren naar wie de mannelijke mensen en andere goden waren gebouwd maar ook de weergoden en vele andere mythische figuren die doorheen de geschiedenis ook hun rol hebben gespeeld. In dit tweede artikel over de meerdere goden vergelijken wij enkele goden in de verscheidene geloofsculturen. ... Lees hierover meer ...

3rd question: Does there exist a Divine Creator

In the previous question I looked at a possible 5000 million years of history and know I continue to look at how people theorised about the origin of everything. In this article I wonder who or what caused this all coming into being. ... Continue reading how time ever could have begun and how atheists also belief lots of things like religious people have their believes. ...

3e vraag: Bestaat er een Goddelijke Schepper

In de voorgaande vraag keek ik hoofdzakelijk naar de oerknal, wat er was voordat er sterren en planeten waren en ontstonden en vroeg ik mij af wanneer al die planeten en de verscheidene levende wezens of elementen ontstaan zijn. In dit artikel vraag ik mij af wie of wat er uiteindelijk achter zat. ... Lees verder hoe de mens zo veel getheoretiseerd heeft ...