Instruction Manual

Babies don’t come with instructions. It’s a learn-as-you go game. Trial and error along the way. Babies don’t come with instructions. Childhood scars and sweet memories Layered with guilt, regret and love. Babies don’t come with instructions. It’s a learn-as-you go game.Instruction Manual

Is Christianity a Greedy Religion?

In the capitalist countries money often receives the first place of importance and many forget that love for each other is so much more a valuable asset for having a better life.
Several churches want to be popular and promise their followers excellent health with a lot of wealth, as long as they contribute richly to the church.
Abundance is on the inside. It’s a feeling first, an amount second.

Nature Is A Reflection Of God

We can go for a walk in the country, on a dark night with a clear sky and look at the stars. Then when we look within we should engage with our conscience.
That conscience will tell us what is implanted into our soul. Each person crated in the image of God has also the instinct been given by the Divine Creator to be able to feel the connection with its Maker.

Looking at nature it tells everything about the Creative Hand behind it.


To remember

Nature = reflection of God, = revelation of God in world around us <=> God revealed in beauty of His creation around us.

God has shown what can be known about God to mankind

His invisible attributes = His eternal power + divine nature = clearly seen, being understood through what He has made => people are without excuse

everyone, every human being has access to God ~~~~ What we  chose to see, to find, to embrace, to ignore = chose to either accept or reject God.

Doctrine of the Fall of man = man rebelled against God’s supreme authority => negative impact on natural world because of freedom to chose.



2nd question: What or where is the beginning

3rd question: Does there exist a Divine Creator

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations

Have no other gods besides Me

Is there no ‘proof’ for God? (And why that statement is not as smart as you might think.)



Further reading


My Lord, My Friend


Nature is the reflection of God, the revelation of God in the world around us. God revealed in the beauty of His creation around us.

The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 1 verse 19 to 20:

V19; “Since what can be known about god is evident among Them, because God has shown it to them.”

V20: “from the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.”

We could say, everyone, every human being has access to God. What we  chose to see, to find, to embrace, to ignore, is a chose to either accept or reject God.

The universe belongs to God, and nature is good because it is God’s work. Original Sin {which is original chose} which is found in Genesis Chapter 3,is…

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Is there no ‘proof’ for God? (And why that statement is not as smart as you might think.)

If God existed there would be proof. There is no proof therefore God does not exist. We’ve all heard it. Some of us reading this might believe it. That Napoleon fought at Waterloo can be proven, like many other facts can be proven, and how closer to the people still alive how easier it is. … Continue reading Is there no ‘proof’ for God? (And why that statement is not as smart as you might think.)

Have no other gods besides Me

Coming closer to the end-times it is very important that people do find the Most Highest, the Divine Creator of heaven and earth.

In this world we can find lots of so called Christians who are sinful at worshipping a three-headed god and by kneeling down in front of graven images. It is important for those who really love The Most Almighty God of heaven and earth, that they show others the Way to God and let the world know that we should step aside of all those heathen gods and pagan festivals and rituals, like the Spring-festival, Easter, Halloween, All saints, All souls, and Christmas.

In case we really love God we would not mind showing others that we do not want to be part of this world but want to be part of God’s World, doing what He wants that we do.

Christians on that part still have to do a lot. Many of them still have to find the Way to God (Jeshua/Jesus) and to find the real God or Allah the Most High Whose Name is Jehovah


To remember

A writer looking at Jesus-the ideal man,-believing he fulfills the mark of perfection and is the focus of the whole Bible, giving us a restored image, where the ideal man is reflected in us, knows he fulfilled all of God’s expectations and sets us free from the corruption. Though surprisingly enough he on certain articles and pages gives the impression that he believes the heathen idea of incarnation and that Jesus would have bean a god who came in flesh to restore his image in us.

Strangely enough he also writes he is realizing idolatry is a serious threat to his soul. We thought it interesting to share his study on idolatry.

He himself poses the question

Why is it so important that we “guard ourselves from idols” (1John 5:21)?

and tries to give answers, first, looking at the short biblical answer, but in our eyes the second most important answer:

 We cannot be saved if we love the world and the things of the world (1John 2:15-17)!

The first being that we only should worship One and Only One True God.

A Ten Commandments monument which includes the...
A Ten Commandments monument which includes the command to “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

He seems to accept that God made this truth absolutely clear with the examples in bible (1Corinthians 10:6) and by listing it in the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5:7-8), but strangely enough he like many Christians steps aside or ignores those commandments.

He also seems to be aware that God isn’t physical but seems to take Jesus as his god, even knowing that a physical picture of Jesus or crosses can be idolatrous.

 After all, he said, do not form an idol “of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below” (Deuteronomy 5:8).

He looks at how the Israelites were rejecting Moses (vs.1) and could find a justification for the calf which likely stemmed from an acknowledgement that God was blessing them.

 They got off when their hearts were filled with and focused on the abundance instead of God.  They were caught up in the enjoyment of meeting their physical needs so much that it became a worshipful expression–that is a transition that occurs spiritually in the heart of man.  While they literally worshipped a calf, we see how they shifted to another glorification.


While the bible describes idolatry specifically, all sin is idolatry.  As Tertullian said,

idolatry is “[t]he principle crime of the human race…”


Preceding articles

2nd question: What or where is the beginning

3rd question: Does there exist a Divine Creator

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #1 Many gods

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations





Ideal Man

I am realizing idolatry is a serious threat to my soul.  I am also realizing I really don’t have deep convictions about it and I feel moved to study it out.  My study on idolatry has turned into multiple parts, some I want to share here.

Why is it so important that we “guard ourselves from idols” (1John 5:21)?

First, there’s the short biblical answer:  We cannot be saved if we love the world and the things of the world (1John 2:15-17)!  Some will try to twist this truth in order to soften its blow, but I will avoid their influence as told by 2Timothy 4:3.  Plus, God made this truth absolutely clear with the examples in bible (1Corinthians 10:6) and by listing it in the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 5:7-8).

Second, unless we lack the ability to perceive spiritually, we can take a reality check on the condition of our world.  As disciples, we’re called to be aware of the Devil’s…

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