Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #4

The Divine Supreme Being Who was from the beginning was a not begotten Creator, Evolver, Bestower of Forms and He is Allah, the One and Only, in whose image man is created and Who has to be looked for by man who took distance from Him. Man with his limited knowledge can find the direct evidence which does not require interpretation, but has also the indirect (or circumstantial) evidence which may require interpretation. Click on the title to find out more about the Omnipotent Creator God, Who as Maker of everything, wants man to come to know and to love Him and provided enough material to come to know Him, a guidebook for getting to the essence of God and the essence of us being here on earth.

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #3 Transcendence or Surpassing other gods and man

Are we willing to see a Omnipotent God Who is above all other god in case He exists? Is mankind willing to face a more intelligent Being than themselves? Most difficult thing to accept for human beings is that this Supreme Being would encompass everything while He is the Most High above everything, being able to be everywhere, to know everything and able to do everything. Most people want to have everything themselves under control and want to command others, not being commanded themselves. Come to know more about modern philosophers like Immanuel Kant their theories and transcendent beings in contrast to immanent beings, by clicking on the title of this article.