Faith in one or more gods

When we speak about "Faith" (iman) we look at acceptance of the Belief in the existence and oneness of God (Allah).and the existence of the Book of books of which God is the author, existing of five main parts, the Torah (revealed to Moses),,the Psalms (revealed to David).and the Writings of Kings and prophets as well as the Gospel (revealed to Jesus) with the writings of his apostles,

Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations

In our region (Flanders and Gallia or Gaul) also many gods were worshipped and even today we may find several groups worshipping different gods. Several people living in Belgium and neighbouring countries do have a whole pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals, whilst others say they do not believe … Continue reading Looking for answers on the question Is there a God #2 Pantheon of gods and celebrations